The production operative was signed off as trained in raw material assessment based on read and understand questionnaire with no practical assessment.
• The production operative was signed off as competent for manufacture of solutions and suspensions had not completed training in all associated duties such as cleaning of compounding equipment.
• Procedure awareness assessment forms were not all signed off by the trainer as required by the training procedure.
• There was no system for confirming that all personnel that required training had been trained.
No evidence was seen for competency assessment for the GMP training of a recently recruited QA Officer.
• The training record of production operator did not show they were trained in the operation of the isolator despite being signed off for aseptic manufacturing.
• There was no control to ensure that only trained contract cleaners enter the manufacturing facilities.
• There was no robust process for the monitoring of analyst training and qualification.
• When an analyst was qualified on one chromatography system, he was considered qualified on the other two systems used on site without any further competency checks performed related to understanding of differences between the systems.